WOW! We have an article post that has absolutely blown the roof off our readership numbers.

Southern Fishing News AI Assist Graphic
Our article, “The Eyes of A Bass Can Only Recognize Certain Colors” has been read by more anglers than any other post in the history of Southern Fishing News history (And we have 1,282 posts on this website). Not only readership, but the comments show this subject was a bullseye on information bass anglers want – how to improve their fishing. Our eyes are big like our bass friend above.
This number is accurate as of the date of this email. Amazingly, the readership numbers continue to increase! Southern Fishing News sponsors have had their logo (hyperlinked to websites put in front of this many readers. Look at this number:
We wanted to share this news with you since we are so impressed with the reception of this article.
January 28th, 2024