Interest in bass fishing all started three years ago when Logan Parks and Lucas Lindsay were in the 8th grade at Auburn Junior High School.
The two anglers approached a coach about forming a high school bass fishing team. Fast forward to Kentucky Lake, Paris, TN where Parks and Lindsay placed 3rd in the Costa BASSMASTER High School Series National Championship.
Parks and Lindsay competed against 136 of the best angler teams from 38 states and Canada. Darrel High, Director and Associate Advisor, AUBSC Sports Club, captained the team for the three day tournament. On day one of the tournament the high school team brought in 10 lbs. 10 oz., ending the day in 29th place.

Parks and Lindsay competed against 136 of the best angler teams from 38 states and Canada.
On day two competitors made some adjustments and staged a comeback bringing in the second best single day tournament weight of 19 lbs. 9 oz. moving them into 5th place.
Making the top 10 on day two was critical earning them the day off on Friday to recharge and strategize for the final day of the tournament. Day three the young men closed the gap even further bringing in 17 lbs. 13 oz. for a three day total of 48 lbs., enough to move them into 3rd place.
The 3rd place finish earned the two anglers $1750 in scholarship money and their choice of Costa sunglasses. Going from no tournament experience to being ranked 3rd in the nation in just 3 years is a huge accomplishment. The hours of training and practice, getting up at 3:00 am on Saturday mornings to participate in local, regional and state tournaments across the state in 28 to 98 degree conditions paid big dividends.
Parks and Lindsay will be Juniors at Auburn School this year and with two years left have set their goal . . . “Winning the National Championship!”