Eleven year old Luke Mattox surged on the big fish leader board with a seven pound, fifteen ounce largemouth. Luke said he caught the hawg with a brown-colored jig. Mattox’s bass was not the only good fish brought to the scales in the Shoals Youth Bassmasters (SYBM) youth club tournament September 12 on Pickwick Lake AL.

Luke Mattox, 11 years old, caught a 7-15 largemouth on a brown jig. SFN photo
Eleven year old Cameron Johnson brought in a 3 lb. 14 oz. smallmouth. Hud Mattox, six years old, weighed in a 6 lb. 8 oz. largemouth. Hunter Brewer, ten, caught a 4 lb. 14 oz. green fish.
The club started looking for bass at 7 AM from McFarland Park’s ramp and returned at 11 AM. Doing the complicated math, that figures all the big fish and five fish limits were caught in a four hour span of time.
The day could have not been more perfect for a fishing trip on Pickwick Lake. Temperatures were in the 60’s to low 70’s with little to no wind. Fifty-one SYBM club members hit the water for the final tournament of the club’s 2015 season. The last event gives the young anglers the chance to catch the biggest largemouth and/or smallmouth for big fish of the year honors. Luke Mattox closed the door on all previous lunkers with his 7 lb. 15 oz. he caught in the final event. Hannah Fleeman took big smallmouth of the year with a 5 lb. 4 oz. bronzeback. Also up for grabs is the Angler of the Year honors in all three age divisions.
Angler of the Year (AOY) is presented to the member in each age division who has accumulated

Angler of the Year: 10 and Under Age Group Hayden Smith 80 lbs., 11 to 15 Age Group Clayton Birdyshaw 43 lbs. 16 oz., 18 Age Group Jonathan Peters 55 lbs. 7 oz. SFN photo
the most weight from all tournaments combined. Taking that title for each respective age division were Hayden Smith, 10 and Under Age Group with a total of 80 lbs. Clayton Birdyshaw totaled 43 lbs. to win AOY in the 11 to 15 Age Group. And the 16 to 18 Age Group AOY was Jonathan Peters with a season total of 55 lbs. 7 oz.
The tournament winners from each of the three age divisions were:
1st Place Casin Smith 14 lbs. 7 oz.
2nd Place Hayden Smith 11 lbs. 14oz.
3rd Place Reanna Springer 11 lbs.
4th Place Camden Randall 10 lbs. 3 oz.
11 to 15 AGE GROUP
1st Place Cameron Johnson 16 lbs. 3 oz.
2nd Place Kaleb Prestage 10 lbs. 8 oz.
3rd Place Trent Corsbie 9 lbs. 12 oz.
4th Place Jared Sparks 8 lbs. 7 oz.
16 to 18 AGE GROUP
1st Place Hayden Bolton 6 lbs. 9 oz.
2nd Place Hayden Berry 4 lbs. 13 oz.
3rd Place Nick Bolton 4 lbs. 12 oz.
Lunker Luke Mattox 7 lbs. 15 oz. Largemouth
Traditionally, the SYBM holds a picnic at McFarland after the final tournament of the year. Fishing products and trophies are presented to each angler for their membership and participation. Tournament winners in each age division are given trophies for each place as is the tournament big fish. Anglers of the Year in all age groups and the biggest largemouth and smallmouth of the year are presented trophies and prizes. Members fishing their last SYBM tournament due to age are recognized and presented very nice products. However, there are always more goodies to take home. Many, many cool draw prizes are given away to the members.
If you have an interest in signing a youth angler up for the 2016 season email Richard Laxson at [email protected] or call him at 256-757-1660.
The complete photo album can be viewed/downloaded HERE.
CONGRATULATIONS to Richard Laxton and his support group for all they do for the Shoals Youth Bassmasters. There are a number of youth and student angler fishing organizations available now days to provide an opportunity for our kids to get involved and enjoy the sport of fishing and the SHOALS YOUTH BASSMASTERS are TOPS among the “ELITE” of these organizations. From my observation I have found SYBM to keep its original mission and Richard has ensured that the kids remain the primary focal point of why the organization exists and politics are left out of the equation. SYBM is just an “Ole Family Tradition.” THANKS to all the sponsors of SYBM for making sure all of the clubs events can take place and the kids be rewarded for their efforts and to Ronnie McDonald and Mrs. Martha with Southern Fishing News for keepin SYBM on the FRONT PAGE.
September 13th, 2015