The Shoals Youth Bassmasters fished their June 18th tournament out of Fleet Harbor on Wilson Lake. Seventy club members from under ten years old to sixteen years old. Club members fish each tournament in three age divisions: 10 and under; 11 to 15; and 16 to 18. An adult fishes with each young angler.
The weather was warm to hot, slight wind and the lake had a little chop. Willow fly hatches were to be found around the lake. The top four (three for 16 to 18) in each age division and tournament big fish were:

Ten and Under Division winners. SYB photo

Eleven to fifteen Division. SYB photo

Sixteen to Eighteen Division. SYB photo
10 and under:
1st Place: Haden Brewer, 14 lbs. 14 oz.
2nd Place: Payten Davidson, 13 lbs. 2 oz.
3rd Place: Brennen Montgomery, 11 lbs. 5 oz.
4th Place: Troy Bates, 10 lbs.
11 to 15 age group:
1st Place: Jackson Aaron, 11 lbs. 9 oz.
2nd Place: J. D. Wright, 11 lbs.
3rd Place: Slayde Aaron, 8 lbs. 2 oz.
4th Place: Hunter Inabnitt, 7 lbs. 9 oz.
16 to 18 age group:
1st Place: Hayden Bolton, 10 lbs. 6 oz.

Brennen Montgomery had Lunker. SYB photo
2nd Place: Ethen Hester, 8 lbs. 7 oz.
3rd Place: Logan Peden, 3 lbs. 7 oz.
Brennen Montgomery had Lunker with a 5lb 10oz. largemouth.
Shoals Youth Bassmasters has, after 2 tournaments (travel ball and all stars still going on), 96 young anglers in the club. That’s awsome.
Join the club at First Creek on Wheeler July 16th for the third tournament of the season.