ALEXANDRIA, Va., August 14, 2017 – In tournament angling, speed and power are what get you to the best fishing spot before the other guy. The high-performance nature of bass boats is leading many tournament organizations to increase the amount of boat-liability insurance required for entry, and that’s causing some angst among tournament anglers.
“In a change we have seen this year, many fishing tournaments now require entrants to have $500,000 liability insurance,” said BoatUS Marine Insurance Representative Dustin King. “That’s up from $300,000 in years past.” On the front lines of the fishing-boat insurance-buying season, King added, “This season we’ve received a lot of phone calls from anglers who are interested in entering a tournament, but their insurance companies won’t provide them the $500,000 in liability coverage.”

: Is this “racing”? That may depend on the language in your boat’s insurance policy (Photo: BoatUS)
So what can a tournament angler do? BoatUS has three tips for any angler seeking tournament insurance:
If you’re considering entering a tournament, check your boat’s insurance policy first. Terms such as “competitive,” “for money” or “involved in racing” should be looked at closely. An accident that potentially happens just minutes out of the gate – as hundreds of boats scatter at high speed – could be used as a cause to a deny claim due to “racing.”
Second, ensure you have plenty of experience operating a bass boat, and try to remain as claims free as possible. Both could affect your ability to be offered higher limits. Having a longer-term relationship with your insurer may also influence the tournament coverage limits offered.
Lastly, if you’re fishing with a co-angler, you may also need to adjust your policy to ensure you have the correct coverage.
All BoatUS boat insurance policies with the added ANGLER endorsement offer automatic fishing tournament coverage and entry-fee reimbursement should a claim cause you to withdraw, increased coverage for important fishing gear, and 24-hour on-water and on-road towing assistance.