Grenshaw County Public Fishing Lake
Renovations Coming to Crenshaw County Public Fishing Lake
Crenshaw County Public Fishing Lake near Luverne, Alabama, will close this fall for renovations. During the closure, the aging dam structure will be evaluated and repaired by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR). The lake will also be restocked to improve fishing quality.
WFF has removed daily creel limits and length limits for all species of fish at the lake so anglers can make use of the resource before the lake is drained. Anglers must still obtain a $3 fishing permit and possess a valid fishing license. The permit and license are available for purchase at the lake or online at www.outdooralabama.com.
After the renovations, Crenshaw County Public Fishing Lake
will be restocked with various sport fish species.
As ADCNR’s State Public Fishing Lakes age, regular maintenance, and renovations are necessary to repair infrastructure and improve fishing quality. Constructed in the 1950s, Crenshaw was one of Alabama’s first state public fishing lakes and has provided almost 70 years of fishing. This renovation will ensure future generations have access to quality fishing in Crenshaw County and the surrounding areas.
After the renovations, Crenshaw County Public Fishing Lake will be restocked with various sport fish species. The lake will remain closed as they grow to a catchable size. This creates a new lake effect where fish populations experience a rapid increase in abundance and growth due to the improved conditions in the lake. The fish will reach a catchable size in about two years and will be very aggressive when the lake reopens, leading to a better fishing experience for anglers.
Anglers looking for an alternative to Crenshaw County lake during the renovation are encouraged to visit the state-owned public fishing lakes in Coffee, Dale, Geneva, and Pike counties. For more information, visit www.outdooralabama.com/where-fish-alabama/alabama-public-fishing-lakes-pfls or call the WFF Fisheries Section at (334) 242-3471
Tuscahoma Public Boat Ramp in Choctaw County Temporarily Closes for Repairs
Tuscahoma Public Boat Ramp on the Tombigbee River near Butler, Alabama, will close for repairs on Monday, August 8, 2022. During the closure, improvements will be made to the parking lot, including the installation of water drainage structures. The entrance road to the facility will also be repaved.
…open after construction is completed, which
is expected to be no later than September 30.
The facility will open after construction is completed, which is expected to be no later than September 30. The Town of Butler will provide routine maintenance of the facility.
The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) operates 115 freshwater boating access areas statewide. For more information, visit www.outdooralabama.com/freshwater-boating-access or call the WFF Fisheries Section at (334) 242-3471.
Partial funding for this project was provided through the Sport Fish Restoration Program, which is supported through excise taxes on the sale of outboard motor fuel, fishing equipment and the sale of Alabama fishing licenses.