Bass Minder is the newest Southern Fishing News sponsor so of course we here at SFN want our audience to know all about their products- but not just because Bass Minder is a sponsor, the company has products that work. For example, their plastic box labels make finding the correct box from your stack an easy chore. Think about how useful these labels are if you bass fish at night. That’s just one quick example of one Bass Minder product to help you catch more fish. Read the description of Bass Minder’s products here in their own words and endorsed by Southern Fishing News.
Lure Selection Guide
Some fishermen may think our Lure Selection Guide is trivial, while others see it as an invaluable tool that will help them catch more fish! What happens when your “goto” bait has gotten up and gone? You become frustrated and suffer from “brain lock”. Lure Selection Guide gives you categories, based on time of year, water conditions and water temperature and it gives you specific recommendations that have been proven to work. Data reviewed by our touring pros John Crews, Russ Lane and Brent Chapman. We guarantee you’ll become a better fisherman using this invaluable tool.
BONUS: Every Lure Selection Guide comes with 4 FREE samples of Stewart’s Russ Lane Pro Series TackleMinder Labels.
Lure Selection Guide
The line on your reel won’t last forever. Too many fishermen don’t replace their line until something bad happens, like breaking off on a big fish or tangled in a brush pile, losing that very expensive lure. Prolonged exposure to sun, heat or cold weather can make lines brittle & more likely to break under stress. Breakage always seems to happen just when you’ve hooked the big one. Stop forgetting what type of line you have, what test lb you have and the date you spooled. Thirty nine color-coded and pre-printed labels are provided – 13 for Flouro, 13 for Mono and 13 for Braid.
BONUS: Twelve additional blank Line Reminder Stickers are provided so you can create your own labels for other types of line.
Line Selection Guide
Choosing the right line can be the most important decision an angler can make. Different lures work best with certain lines, but it’s difficult to remember what line goes with what lure. What lures perform best with Fluorocarbon? Or Monofilament? Or Braided? Line choice can make the difference between just going fishing and CATCHING fish! Data reviewed by our touring pros John Crews, Russ Lane and Brent Chap