In order to be eligible for a prize, the All-Tackle World Record fish must be caught by an angler who has entered and pre-registered on the promotions dedicated web site.
Dates of promotion are November 15, 2011 thru November 14, 2012

Daiichi Contest Banner
An eligible entrant must possess and use a Daiichi Hook to catch the new World Record fish to be eligible to win the contingency prize as scheduled and catch the fish in the manner prescribed by the International Game Fish Association (“IGFA”) international angling rules. NOTE: Promotion will cover all Daiichi hooks owned or obtained individually or equipped on lures. Replacement Daiichi Hooks obtained to replace original treble hooks on lures are deemed eligible.
Eligible Species of Fish: Freshwater: Largemouth Bass and Walleye; Saltwater: Striped Bass and Spotted Sea Trout as recognized by the IGFA. Note that Saltwater Striped Bass must not be landlocked.
No one species can have more than one record-breaking win. Only two record breaking winners will be awarded. The maximum amount of awards paid out by this promotion is $1,000,000.00. As an example, if the prize rewards for the world record Large Mouth Bass and world record Walleye are awarded, this promotion is closed.
All waters must have been open to the public for fishing for at least one year immediately prior to the promotion.
Eligible Location: Worldwide in which the general public have absolute free and unlimited access. No potential record-breaking fish caught in or from private waters, illegal “off-limit” waters, hatchery or hatchery aquaculture facilities, private “pay to fish” waters or “waters of sanctuaries” are eligible for any prize consideration under this contract.
Fish must be caught by an official entrant (who must be an eligible participant) in the fishing promotion during the promotion dates and times. Anglers must pre-register on the promotions dedicated web site a minimum of 48 hours prior to catching a record-breaking fish.
In order to be eligible, the All Tackle World Record fish must ultimately be certified as the Official All-Tackle World Record for the specified species by the IGFA.
The World Record will be awarded in the weight division only according to the IGFA rules and standards. The IGFA instituted a Length division that started on January 1, 2011. The Length division is not applicable for this promotion.
All certification requirements will be the exclusive responsibility of the claimant, and must be completed within a reasonable period of time, but not to exceed sixty (60) days of the conclusion of the promotion.
Any winning angler must agree to take and pass (regardless of issue) a polygraph examination, in a conclusive manner, as a condition precedent to any claims consideration. The polygraph examination will be at the expense of the sponsor as a condition of proving the claim.
Winner’s affidavit & release and contest officials’ affidavit: in the event a winner is claimed, this form must be completed and signed by the claimed winner and contest officials and submitted to TTI-Blakemore for claim verification along with a copy of a government issued identification card containing a photo of the claimed winner. All required signatures must be present and valid for consideration of prize payment. Each winner, if any, is responsible for paying any and all taxes on any prize(s) won and must authorize the deduction of such taxes, if any, from the prize(s) to the extent required by law.
Affidavit must be mailed, faxed or emailed to TTI Blakemore
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1177
Wetumpka, AL. 36092
Fax Number 334-567-9788
Email address:
[email protected]
Contest site:
Employees, agents, successors, and assignees of sponsor, its advertising agencies and promotional companies involved in this promotion, as well as family and household members of same, shall be ineligible to participate in the promotion and shall be ineligible for any prize covered herein.
Names and likenesses of promotion winner(s) may be used by sponsor and sponsor’s designee(s) for promotional purposes without further compensation to sponsor or the promotion winner(s).
All claims for payment of prize awards must be reported to TTI-Blakemore within eight (8) normal business days of a potential winning event.
Claimant agrees that any dispute arising under this contract shall be resolved by binding arbitration pursuant to the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association. The site of such Arbitration shall be in Montgomery, AL.