News Stories & Fishing Articles

Boating Under the Influence Is Just As Deadly As Drinking and Driving

Wheeler is back on top with 2024 Fishing Clash Angler of the Year title
Tennessee pro adds to all-time résumé with third AOY title in past four seasons
MASSENA, N.Y. — For a brief moment Thursday afternoon, the machine that is Jacob Wheeler allowed himself to exhale.
During the break between the second and third periods of the final qualifying day at Minn Kota Stage Seven Presented by Humminbird, Wheeler sat on the front deck of his bass boat. Situated in ninth place in Group B, just a few pounds clear of the elimination line, with rain from Hurricane Debby falling ever harder, Wheeler knew he would be in for a soggy and stressful final two and a half hours on the St. Lawrence River.

Highly Encouraged To Attend Meeting On Invasive Carp
Public Meeting in Florence AL and Nashville TN to Address Proposed Invasive Carp Deterrent Projects
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will host public meetings in Florence, Nashville, and online in August 2024 to discuss a pilot project designed to manage and prevent the spread of invasive carp within the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins and the Tennessee-Tombigbee waterway.

Frankey’s Marine Joins Southern Fishing News’ Sponsors

Shoals Youth Bassmasters take on Wheeler Lake
The Shoals Youth Bassmasters launched from the First Creek boat ramp on Wheeler Lake on July 20 to compete for the top trophies in each age division. This was the fourth tournament in the club’s 2024 six-event season.

New Shoal Bass Length Limits and Black Bass Creel Limits In Georgia
Effective July 15, new regulations are in place regarding shoal bass length limits and creel limits for several black bass species.

Angler Fred Wammock with Shoal Bass Catch.

There’s a new bass in Florida
Largemouth bass are now Florida bass
Genetics studies confirmed what many anglers and biologists have believed for a long time – Florida bass are special! Florida’s most popular freshwater game fish has a new name.

Shoals Youth Club Hammers A Hot Pickwick With Almost Eighty Pounds of Bass
The dog days of summer greeted fifty-four members of the Shoals Youth Bassmasters at their Pickwick tournament on June 29. Humidity and heat was the weather for the young anglers. The hearty club members and their boat captains ignored the weather conditions and hammered some nice Pickwick bass.

Beginners Guide To Fishing The Seasons- SFN Student Angler Series Presentation
This presentation is for youth anglers new to the sport of bass fishing and appropriate as a youth bass club program and individuals. The lesson is about the strategies for bass fishing in the four seasons of the year and is presented for viewing/downloading in a PDF and PowerPoint format. The material was written by Debbie Hanson and published on Take Me Fishing (takemefishing.org).