I came across this chart some time ago so I don’t remember who to give credit to. That aside, here’s a fairly usable chart featuring seasons, water temperature, and lure selection for clear and muddy water conditions.
Feel free to download this image. Bass wishes on the water.
Post Presented By Southern Fishing News and These Sponsors:
Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation (http://albassnation.com/)
Slider Lures (www.sliderfishing.com)
Neese Waterfront Real Estate (www.neesere.com)
Bass Assassin Lures (http://bassassassin.com)
EGO Fishing (https://egofishing.com)
Motley Fishing (https://motleyfishing.com)
Frankey’s Marine (https://www.facebook.com/FrankeysMarineService)
Vantage Tackle (https://vantagetackle.com/)