August tenth found the Shoals Youth Bassmasters launching into First Creek on Wheeler Lake. Fifty-eight young angler members and boat captains readied for the 7 AM start.
The fishermen got the shade benefit of an overcast sky until 10 AM. The hot sun pounded the kids for an hour until the 11 AM weigh-in. A three-fish limit was in force to help reduce any heat-related bass fatalities.
The youth members still brought some good three fish bags to the scales.

Trophy winner divisions, 10 and under (top left) 11 to 15 age division (bottom) and the 16 to 18 age division (top right). SYBM photos
The club’s trophy placers in all the divisions weighed-in 56.1875 pounds with a 3 lb. 8 oz. big fish caught by Levi Hicks. The 10 and under division place winners had 23.95 pounds. Eleven to 15-year-old group winners brought 23.06 pounds in. The elder age group, 16 to 18, trophy-holders bagged 7.12 pounds.
How did the age division shakeout…
10 and Under
1st Place Wheeler Mason – 8 lbs.1 oz.
2nd Place Kane Goodwin – 6 lbs.7oz.
3rd Place Tate Dodd – 6 lbs.1 oz.
4th Place Cam Andrews – 5 lbs.7 oz.
11 to 15
1st Place Camden Randall – 6 lbs.8 oz.
2nd Place Mason Newton – 6 lbs.6 oz.
3rd Place Spencer Lovett – 5 lbs.15 oz.
4th Place Brandon Atkins – 4 lbs.4 oz.
16 to 18
1st Place Grant Holt – 2 lbs.14 oz.
2nd Place Hunter Inabnitt – 2 lbs.12 oz.
3rd Place Jared Sparks – 1 lb.8 oz.
Lunker Levi Hicks – 3 lbs.8 oz. Largemouth

The 3 lb. 8 oz. big fish lunker went to Levi Hicks. SYBM photo
The club’s next tournament is on Wilson Lake out of the Lock Six ramp, August 31st. All club tournaments are 7 A.M. to 11 A.M.
Anglers in each division must have a responsible adult advisor running the boat and assisting their young fisherman if required.
The year-end picnic will be held after the last tournament September 21 on Pickwick. Youths must be a member of the Shoals Youth Bassmasters before the last tournament to be eligible for the lunch and awards provided at the club’s year-end event.
For more information on how to join the club or about the tournament please call Richard Laxson, Club Director, at 256-757-1660 or email him at [email protected].

Many thanks to the sponsors and supporters of the Shoals Youth Bassmasters