Shoals Youth Bassmasters Director Richard Laxson reported the club had a very good crowd of youth anglers for the organization’s tournament on Wheeler Lake out of the First Creek ramp.

Group winners. SYBM photo
Seventy young anglers hit the water at 6 AM at First Creek with their parent or other boat captain in search of a winning stringer of five fish in their division by 11 AM.
Each adult on board has the responsibility to drive, supervise and help out in general. Sometimes that requires keeping a young bass fisherman under 10 years old focused, interested and even wanting to stay in the boat.
Here is the final results of the three age divisions:
10 and under:
1st Place: Hunter Brewer – 12 lb. 15 oz.
2nd Place: Fisher Heard – 12 lb. 9 oz.
3rd Place: Camden Randall – 9 lb. 3 oz.
11 to 15:
1st Place: Clayton Birdyshaw – 14 lb. 6 oz.
2nd Place: Jackson Aaron – 10 lb. 10 oz.
3rd Place: Logan Peden – 10 lb. 4 oz.
16 to 18:
1st Place: Martin McCravey – 13 lb. 15 oz.
2nd Place: Matt Perry – 12 lb. 1 oz.
3rd Place: Lake Blasingame – 8 lb. 15 oz.
Lunker: Martin McCravey – 5 lb. 9 oz. Largemouth
Marc Gotcher had a 3 lb. 15 oz. Smallmouth
The Shoals Youth Bassmasters next tournament is June 8 out of Colbert Park followed by June 22 on Wilson Lake from Fleet Harbor. The end of the tournament year for the club is August 24th on Pickwick Lake out of McFarland Park. There will be a picnic for the club members after the final tournament where the youths will not only enjoy good eats but fishing gift bags as well.
Laxson emphasized youth must be registered PRIOR to the last tournament to be eligible to fish and participate in the event that follows.