Fifty-five Shoals Youth Bassmasters competed on Pickwick Lake on July 8 and found several nice largemouth and smallmouth bass. The trophy winners in the three age divisions weighed in a healthy 88.42 pounds of bass.
The trophy winners in the 10 and Under Division totaled 42.29 lbs. Ages 11 to 15 showed up with 29.29 lbs. The three 16 to 18 Age Division trophy winner’s bags went 16.84 lbs. Cam Andrews, from the 11 to 15 Age Division, took big fish of the event with a 5.17 lb. largemouth.
First-place trophy winners in the three age divisions were: Kelton Ritter with 11.66 lbs. in the 10 and Under; Cam Andrews with 9.94 lbs. in the 11 to 15-year-old division; and Sam Tucker with 8.76 lbs. that lead the 16 to 18 Age Division.

Age Division Trophy Winners.
The Pickwick tournament was the halfway point of six events in the club’s 2023 season. The final tournament of the year will be September 16 on Pickwick out of McFarland Park and ends the 2023 season with a picnic and awards.
10 and Under Division 42.29 lbs. Total
1st Place-Kelton Ritter with 11.66 lbs.
2nd Place-Lincoln Suratt with 11.47 lbs.
3rd Place-Bookman Weaver with 10.15 lbs.
4th Place-Hadley Brewer with 9.01 lbs.
11 to 15 Age Division 29.29 lbs. Total
1st Place-Cam Andrews with 9.94 lbs.
2nd Place-Camden Randall with 9.89 lbs.
3rd Place-Cooper Wilbanks with 5.54 lbs.
4th Place-Kaleb Liverett with 3.92 lbs.
16 to 18 Age Division 16.84 lbs. Total
1st Place-Sam Tucker with 8.76 lbs.
2nd Place-Hunter Brewer with 6.55 lbs.
3rd Place-Brandon Atkins with 1.53 lbs.
Cam Andrews with a 5.17 lb. largemouth
All the photos taken at the tournament may be viewed/downloaded HERE.
The Shoals Youth Bassmasters’ next tournament on the schedule is July 29 on Wheeler Lake from the First Creek ramp. The youth anglers will be facing tough fishing on Wheeler if recent experience holds. Remember, there is a $3.00 launching fee if you do not have the annual permit.
2023 Tournament Schedule
May 20 First Creek Wheeler
June 10 Lock Six Wilson
July 8 McFarland Park Pickwick
July 29 First Creek Wheeler
August 26 Lock Six Wilson
September 16 McFarland Park Pickwick
Tournaments will begin at 7 AM and weigh-in is 11 AM for the three divisions: 10 and Under; 11 thru 15; and 16 thru 18. Youth anglers must have a responsible adult advisor in the boat at all times. The year-end picnic and awards presentations will be held after the September 16th tournament. Youth anglers MUST be a member of Shoals Youth Bassmasters prior to the September 16th tournament.
For more information on Shoals Youth Bassmasters call 256-757-1660 or email Richard Laxson, [email protected].
Thanks to the sponsors that support the Shoals Youth Bassmasters:
Daniel Boone Guide Service, Perkins Outdoors, Southern Fishing News, Gray’s Tackle, TV Community Credit Union, Jaco’s Marine, Bass Pro Shop, Bank Independent, McDonald’s Lauderdale County, D&T Robbins Farms, D&D Lawn Care, Lawrenceville Marine, Lewis Electrical Supply Co, Inc. C.C. Pizza, Valmet, Brewer Logging, Burch Tackle, Ronnie & Kathryn Gibson, TH Marine, Tracker Boat Center, R&M Heating and Cooling, Shoals Outdoor Sports, BASS Youth, Town of Rogersville, Little Lerner’s Academy, The Nutrition Hut, Lawlers Barbecue, Florence Trophy Company, West End Outdoors, Recluse Pest Control, Lewis Signs & Decals, Country Financial Subway, D&D Marine and Davidson Fence & Decks, LLC.