StandOut Lever Action Fishing System

“It’s Like Drop Shot’n On Steroids!” That’s how TTI-Blakemore, the manufacturer of the StandOut Hook for drop shot fishing describes the product. Drop shot fishing by the pros and weekend angler alike has really caught on. The technique has even gone from a purely vertical presentation to a “cast, drag and shake” in medium depth water.

ST-B-52The reaction and interest from students and adult boat captains in the Southern Fishing News Student Angler Series classes to the standouthookunique hook prompted this additional exposure to more of our audience.

The StandOut Hook requires no knot. There are also freshwater and saltwater versions as well as a western U.S. alternative and kits. According to TTI-Blakemore (a SFN sponsor) the StandOut Hook Works with Soft Plastics or Live/Dead Baits. Our favorite on the Red Alert colored version is the Slider three inch Drop Shot Worm and the Slider three or four inch Bass Grub. But you pick what works best for you and what the fish want.

The way the hook is designed guarantees an “UP” presentation that provides much better visibility to fish. The positioning of the bait off the line is very impressive and avoids a lot of snags. Depending on state laws, there may be a trend with this unique hook for a “double drop shot” rig for fun fishing.

And while we are discussing modifications, consider using something other than a plain weight on the end of your drop shot rig. A shakeyhead jig, Roadrunner, jig and grub, you name it. Why not have a little more to offer? Of course, all this would depend on the type bottom structure you are fishing and the quarry you are after.

The webpage for the StandOut Hook is HERE.


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