Tennessee Rivers Tackle, Swamper Bait, is the latest addition to the group of Southern Fishing News sponsors and is headquartered in Florence, Alabama on the banks of Pickwick Lake.

Kush Worm
The relatively young tackle company began operation in 2017 with their premier Kush Worm and the Sexy Salademanr. Mark Whitten, owner of the tackle company, said, “I picked up a small toy ball called a “Koosh Ball” (small solid rubber core with thousands of rubber appendages). I

Sexy Salademanr.
remembered playing with them when I was a kid.” That accidental encounter was the inspiration for Tennessee Rivers Tackle, Swamper Bait’s” first popular product, the “Kush Worm”. Whitten added, “It is a very unique, versatile bait that is seven inches in length and has hundreds of appendages. It can be fished just about any way possible.”
Whitten says he enjoyed the design process so he started designing more baits. The multiple designs led to the start of Tennessee Rivers Tackle Company and Swamper Bait.
The tackle company now has 15 different baits including, soft plastics, Marabou Hair Jigs, Tungsten Weights and Fishing Glue. Recently added is a line of custom-tied flies for fly fishing anglers. More new products will soon be added to the Tennessee Rivers Tackle Company’s and

Hand-tied Flies
Swamper Bait’s line of products including hand-tied football jigs, more unique soft plastics, and hand-painted crankbaits- all displayed in the company’s standard purple packs.
The complete Tennessee Rivers Tackle Company’s Swamper Bait line of fishing products are available at tennesseeriverstackle.com and swamper.org.
The company’s slogan is, “If you ain’t fishin’ our lures you might as well keep your boat on the trailer!”