Cedar Creek Reservoir is known best for big largemouth bass and spotted bass and crappie fishing, but catfish and bream can also be found there.

A view down a bank while the reservoir was filling. SFN photo
Cedar Creek Reservoir is a large Tennessee Valley Authority reservoir and is located in Franklin County, Alabama (USA) along Cedar Creek in Northwest Alabama. The Cedar Creek Dam was completed in 1979 and is 105 feet high and 3,160 feet long.

Southern Fishing television host Ron McDonald with Corps of Engineer guide. SFN photo
The lake has a reputation for giving up some trophy bass. Fish over 5 pounds are common, with 8-pound and larger bass being taken each year.
A variety of fishing is available in the body of water. Anglers can fish deep water, shallow flats, the creek itself, standing timber, dam rip rap, and ledges.
Fish over 5 pounds are common.
Back in the seventies, the Southern Fishing television show was given a tour of the reservoir by the Corps of Engineers before the water reached the full pool. Photos shown here were taken during filming and show a lot of what is now under the water. What you don’t see in the photos are the mid-reservoir humps and the standing timber.
The big fish water there is host to individual anglers and a number of bass club tournaments.
The reservoir extends nine miles upstream behind the dam and has a flood-storage capacity of 99 million cubic yards.
Cedar Creek Dam is one of four dams that provide flood control, recreational opportunities, and water supply in northwest Alabama. The others are Bear Creek, Upper Bear Creek, and Little Bear Creek. Cedar Creek is the largest of the four Bear Creek reservoirs.