The Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation’s (ABN) Mentoring Program provides state members of the B.A.S.S. High School Nation an opportunity to learn and fish with the “big boys and girls”. Eddie Plemons, president of the ABN, said, “Members of the Alabama High School Nation, 16 years of age and older, now have the opportunity to fish regular ABN tournaments.” Plemons continued, “Not only can they fish in the adult events, they are also eligible for all bonuses, awards and prizes like the adults.” For example, in the Wheeler Lake Qualifying Tournament June 7, 2014, Ryan Shields, Hazel Green high school fishing team, won the highest high school angler weight of ten students fishing, won the no-boater heaviest bag award and placed in sixth place for another award. That was quite a day for the young bass fisherman and his adult mentor. Other students fishing in the event were: Zeke Gossett; Laura Ann Foshee; D J Barber; Colby Wells; Billy Knapp; Samuel Evans; Ryan Parks; Austin Nelson and Shelton Byrd.

High School students fishing in the Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation tournament on Wheeler June 7, 2014
Plemons pointed out ABN members fishing with a student has been pre-selected. Students only fish with their assigned adult. “The ABN is fortunate to have six or more members that have fished the Bassmaster Classic. For a 16 year old to be able to fish with someone who has fished in the Classic offers a great learning opportunity,” the ABN president added.
The young men and young ladies, in the new ABN Mentoring Program, fish as a no-boater and have a reduced entry fee of $60. The students are eligible to move on to any next higher event; including the Bassmaster Classic. Cash awards, such as the student with the highest weight mentioned earlier, is specifically for students and is $250 when six or more student anglers are fishing the event. The mentored high school angler is also eligible for the Academy Sports+Outdoors Big Bass Award, a cash award if placing in the top 18, (number depends on event) and the opportunity to qualify for the Alabama B.A.S.S. Nation State Team.
To sum up, Plemons said the new ABN Mentoring Program is a great teaching forum and gives the high school angler experience fishing on a higher level.