Building upon its initial success from 2013, the 2nd annual Pickwick Lake Team Challenge, held at Pickwick Landing State Park near Counce, TN, on May 17, 2014 was an overwhelming success. Net proceed to the Catch-A-Dream Foundation was just over $13,000. This is $5,000 more than in 2013.
A large part of the increased proceed was due to extra fund raising efforts my many of the teams. “We wanted to increase the proceed to Catch-A-Dream, so this year we developed a strategy whereby teams were encourage to raise funds for Catch-A-Dream in addition to their registration fees,” said Sandie Cox, Co-Director of the Tournament. As an incentive, the teams generating the highest levels of donations were eligible for top spots in the blast-off line-up, special prizes and, if the team that finishes first in the tournament happened to also be in the top ten fund raisers, with at least $1,000 in donations generated, that team would win a $2,000 bonus check.
“We had 10 teams participate in this aspect of the tournament, and five of the teams raised over $1,000 each,” Cox said.

The winning team in the 2014 CAD tournament. CAD Staff Photo
Sandie’s husband, Shane, owner of Presenting Sponsor, Hammer Rods, added, “And it just so happened that one of the teams raising over $1,000 also placed first in the tournament winning the $2,000 bonus check!”
Tony Browning, of B&H Outdoors, the other Presenting Sponsor, said “We are pleased at the outstanding response from the anglers, and could not be happier with our partnership with Catch-A-Dream. Though we had two less teams than last year, our net proceeds nearly doubled, and we are very proud of that.” The tournament featured a 2-Boat, 4-person team format, with anglers competing for over $15,000 in cash prizes. Twenty-seven teams entered. Top prize of $7,250 was claimed by the team of Jeremy Utley and Robert Boyd and William Davis with Tim Cummings for a weight of 50.61 lbs.
A new twist this year was the addition of a 5-K run/walk, which, despite the rain, attracted over two dozen dedicated participants and is expected to grow in the future. “We are elated,” said both the Coxes and Browning, “and we appreciate the many people who worked very hard to make this event a success, and we are grateful for the support from donors, sponsors and volunteers.”
The Friday night registration banquet, auction and program was also a highlight and set the tone for the entire week-end.

The first flight of boats approaches the weigh-in area. CAD Staff Photo
“We appreciate First Baptist, Counce, TN for the hospitality and use of their multi-purpose building for the banquet. The tournament could not have been as successful without their help,” Cox said. “Special thanks also to the Youth Ministry at FBC Counce and to Cross Power, Inc. also of Counce for outstanding work in promoting every aspect of the tournament.”
Plans are already underway for the 3rd annual Pickwick Lake Team Challenge which will see the format change to a single-boat, two-angler tournament. The Committee will announce date and details for the 2015 tournament soon. For full tournament results, Click here.
For more information visit the Tournament Facebook page,