ADEM Continues PFAS Investigation

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management continues to monitor the Perflourochemical situation in Alabama’s Morgan and Lawrence counties (Wheeler Lake).

In conjunction with the 2012 Perfluorochemicals (PFAS &PFOS) Reduction Plan incorporated in the 3M National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, and the
2008 Remedial Action Agreement between 3M and ADEM, 3M has instituted a program to investigate historical waste disposal sites in these two counties where PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) may have been deposited.

ADEM continues to assess, investigate, and monitor 3M as they continue to testvarious soils, groundwater and surface water associated with these sites. The initial data collected and assessed indicates that PFAS has been detected during the preliminary testing.

During this ongoing investigation, additional sites may be identified as more data is collected. There are very few, if any, private drinking water wells in the area. 3M is also working with ADEM and the Alabama Department of Public Health to identify and address private drinking water wells that may be affected by PFAS in groundwater from the historical waste disposal sites.

ADEM has requested that 3M provide testing to owners of private drinking water wells – at no cost – that may be impacted. 3M has agreed to do this, so private well owners who may be affected will be contacted in the near future in order to sample their wells.

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