Welcome to the second online Southern Fishing News Student Angler Class. This downloadable class is on antique lures and, as the finesse fishing program, is available free. The class is geared to high school bass clubs and youth anglers. However, any other interested bass anglers are welcome to download.

Brooks High School bass club.
Southern Fishing News is bringing class presentations to you as PowerPoint files. New for this class is also a smaller size, PDF file. The PDF file is identical to the Powerpoint presentation minus the cool animations.

Class at the LDS Church in Florence, AL.
The Student Angler Classes were previously only available in a certain geographical distance from our home base in Killen, Alabama. Now high school bass clubs nationwide, even worldwide have access to our classes.
To download the full, animated class click on this link, Fishing Class Classic Lures.
To download the smaller PDF version without animation click here, Fishing Class Classic Lures
Contact us at [email protected] or go to the Contact page on this site if you have any questions or comments. We hope you enjoy the presentation and find the class beneficial.
But remember, the only path to becoming a better bass angler is to go fish!